Game Remakes
Download Ancient Sudoku game

Ancient Sudoku

An addictive brain teasing puzzle that's taking the world by storm!

Download for PC (6.32 MB) Buy full PC version ($9.99)
3 stars award


Bring the classic puzzle game to the next level with Ancient Sudoku...a game of logic and strategy, with no math required! Play with numbers or other tile sets as you fill in the grid and finish your board. Create your own puzzles or use the puzzle solver to help solve your newspaper's daily puzzles. Complete with an in game music player which plays your own mp3 music, Ancient Sudoku has it all!


Ancient Sudoku screenshot Ancient Sudoku screenshot Ancient Sudoku screenshot

PC system requirements:

  • Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/8
  • Processor 600 MHz
  • 32 MB RAM
  • DirectX 7.0

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