Game Remakes
Download Farm Frenzy 3: Russian Roulette game

Farm Frenzy 3: Russian Roulette

Feed the hungry astronauts!

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4 stars award


When Scarlett learns astronauts are starving because their corrupt boss made a crooked deal with a no-good contractor, she vows to prove herself worthy of taking over the account and feeding the hard-working space walkers three squares a day in Farm Frenzy 3:Russian Roulette! To succeed, she'll need to use new buildings, products and your Time Management skills as she grows crops, feeds animals, collects produce and manufactures goods.



Farm Frenzy 3: Russian Roulette screenshot Farm Frenzy 3: Russian Roulette screenshot Farm Frenzy 3: Russian Roulette screenshot

PC system requirements:

  • Windows XP/Vista
  • Processor 800 MHz
  • RAM 1 GB
  • DirectX 8.0
  • Hard Drive: 73 MB

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