Game Remakes
Download Jewel Match Royale Collector’s Edition game

Jewel Match Royale Collector’s Edition

Restore magnificent castles in a royal match-3 adventure!

Download for PC (207.20 MB) Buy full PC version ($19.99)
4 stars award


Traverse vast levels to help Matthew, the son of the royal gardener, to win the hand of Princess Sofia, the heir to throne of Nerinia. Although Matthew is a wealthy man, he is still considered a commoner in the eyes of the nobility, and has but one path to becoming a nobleman: a challenge set to him by ruling Queen Meredith to restore the kingdom’s long-abandoned legacy castles and estates. Purchase unique power-ups in the Shop and use additional resources gathered from bonus games to add special decorations to make each restoration unique. With the successful completion of each renovation, Matthew is awarded a higher noble status, from lowly Knight all the way to honored Duke, bringing him step-by-step closer to his dream of marrying his beloved Sofia!



Jewel Match Royale Collector’s Edition screenshot Jewel Match Royale Collector’s Edition screenshot Jewel Match Royale Collector’s Edition screenshot

PC system requirements:

  • Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10
  • Processor 1.2 GHz
  • RAM 512 MB
  • DirectX 9.0
  • Hard Drive: 291 MB

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