Game Remakes
Download Heroes of Might and Magic 2: Gold game

Heroes of Might and Magic 2: Gold

Chose your allegiance and take what is rightfully Yours!

Download for PC (466.00 MB) Buy full PC version ($10.00)
5 stars award


Lord Ironfist is dead and the Kingdom is plunged into a vicious civil war by his feuding sons. At stake is the ultimate prize: control of the land and succession of the royal throne. Will you support the villainous usurper and lead the armies of evil or be loyal to the righteous prince and deliver the people from tyranny?



Heroes of Might and Magic 2: Gold screenshot Heroes of Might and Magic 2: Gold screenshot Heroes of Might and Magic 2: Gold screenshot

PC system requirements:

  • Windows 7/8/10
  • Processor 1 GHz
  • 256 MB RAM

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