Game Remakes
Download CountryBalls Heroes game

CountryBalls Heroes

Become a legend by leading massive Countryball armies.

Download for PC (3.13 GB) Buy full PC version ($14.99)
5 stars award


CountryBalls Heroes is a game where you get to play as your favorite Countryball. Become a legend by leading massive armies!

The fate of the world, vodka, mems, is at stake and only you can stand up against big evil. At all costs, supplies of vodka have to be secured. Dominate your opponents in the intensive turn-based strategy game. Assemble your army, build overwhelming cities, raise and upgrade your heroes, gather powerful artifacts, and prove that your Countryball is the most powerful among the others.



CountryBalls Heroes screenshot CountryBalls Heroes screenshot CountryBalls Heroes screenshot

PC system requirements:

  • Windows 7/8/10/11
  • Processor 3 GHz
  • 2 GB RAM
  • 1 GB Video RAM
  • 5 GB free storage space space

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