Game Remakes
Download The Scruffs game

The Scruffs

One family's junk is another's hidden treasure!

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4 stars award


The Scruffs have enlisted your help to save their beloved family home from being sold. Grandpa Scruff has come up with a solution - an elaborate scavenger hunt to recover valuable artifacts he's hidden around the house, but in a surprising twist, Grandpa Scruff also reveals that he's been hiding something else - a shocking family secret! Help the Scruffs stave off this looming family crisis and uncover the secret that will change their lives forever.



The Scruffs screenshot The Scruffs screenshot The Scruffs screenshot

PC system requirements:

  • Windows 2000/ME/XP/Vista
  • DirectX 7.0
  • 128 MB RAM
  • Processor 600 MHz

Mac system requirements:

  • macOS 10.5.8
  • Processor 400 MHz
  • RAM 128 MB

Comments and ratings:

tom5 stars rating
«It was a pretty good game. Had me staying up trying over and over again to beat the chapter.»

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