Game Remakes
Download Cooking Dash game

Cooking Dash

Help Flo cook and deliver food from four DinerTown restaurants while Cookie the Chef courts culinary celebrity!

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5 stars award


And she cooks, too! When Cookie the Chef leaves Flo's Diner to pursue a career on a popular cooking reality TV show, he creates a shortage of chefs in DinerTown by inviting them all to appear as guest stars. It's up to Flo to pick up the slack with a whole new set of food service skills! Help Flo and Grandma Florence keep five DinerTown restaurants up and running...if you can stand the heat!



Cooking Dash screenshot Cooking Dash screenshot Cooking Dash screenshot

PC system requirements:

  • Windows XP/Vista
  • DirectX 8.0
  • 256 MB RAM
  • Processor 1.2 GHz

Mac system requirements:

  • macOS 10.5.8
  • 256 MB RAM
  • Processor 800 MHz

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