Game Remakes
Download Pastime Puzzles game

Pastime Puzzles

Jigsaw puzzles with a fun 50's theme!

Download for PC (11.42 MB) Buy full PC version ($6.99)
3 stars award


Jigsaw puzzles just like you used to do at the kitchen table, without ever having to worry about losing a piece! Play this fun 50's themed game as you try and solve 50 puzzles in two modes: Classic and Express. Select a puzzle from the collection, set a difficulty level and attempt a Puzzle Challenge, or take your time to finish the Big One! When you have completed enough puzzles, discover new variations and surprises in the Puzzle Collection! It's good times for one and all!


Pastime Puzzles screenshot Pastime Puzzles screenshot Pastime Puzzles screenshot

PC system requirements:

  • Windows 98/ME/2000/XP
  • DirectX 8.0
  • 64 MB RAM
  • Processor 300 MHz

Comments and ratings:

Lindsey M.5 stars rating
«I never can find the space in my house to do any puzzles. This game is perfect. I can play whenever and never worry about loosing any of the peices.»

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