Game Remakes
Download Puzzle Express game

Puzzle Express

Place colorful pieces to reveal beautiful pictures!

Download for PC (9.13 MB) Buy full PC version ($6.99) Play online version
3 stars award


Grab the colorful puzzle pieces and place them together to fill up the train cars. The more you fill up the car, the more of the picture you get to see. There's two game modes to play and new pictures are downloaded automatically so you may never see the same picture twice!


Puzzle Express screenshot Puzzle Express screenshot Puzzle Express screenshot

PC system requirements:

  • Windows 95/98/ME/2000/XP
  • DirectX 7.0
  • 64 MB RAM
  • Processor 500 MHz

Comments and ratings:

TaraD5 stars rating
«I've been waiting for a game like this! Puzzle express combines the best parts of Tetris with the best parts of Puzzle Inlay»

Marg5 stars rating
«I think this is a way cool variation on tetris. I love that I can add my own photos to the puzzle trains. It is also great that you can save a game,so you can go eat or sleep.»

BarbAnne5 stars rating
«Tetris with a twist! I love it!»

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