Game Remakes
Download Call of War: World War 2 game

Call of War: World War 2

Conquer provinces, forge alliances and build up your economy in real-time!

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The 2nd World War: Tank clashes, Naval battles, Air combat. In Call of War you rewrite the course of history!

Take over the control of one of the mighty nations during the times of World War 2. Conquer provinces, forge alliances and build up your economy. Research top secret weapons of World War 2 and become the one true superpower!

Intelligent alliances or ruthless expansion, wunderwaffen or mass assault? It is up to you which way you choose!

Fans of the board games like “Risk” or “Axis & Allies” will love playing Call of War. Every player can play multiple rounds at the same time to try out new strategies.



Call of War: World War 2 screenshot Call of War: World War 2 screenshot Call of War: World War 2 screenshot

PC system requirements:

  • Processor 1 GHz
  • RAM 512 MB
  • Internet Connection Required

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