Game Remakes
Download Match Marbles 5 game

Match Marbles 5

Embrace the beauty of nature as you match marbles!

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Once upon a time, the dwellers of dusty stone castles moved into cozy homes at the tops of huge and mighty trees. You should try breathing the fresh air too. Feel the playful wind with your entire body. This is the feeling of clarity and the freedom of body and soul. But don’t let your mind relax too quickly, accept the challenge and take on the tactically varied levels of this magical world! There is no timer, so take your time playing and think. To make your adventure even more gloriously beautiful, new decorative elements have been added to the game — earth, bushes and flowers…



Match Marbles 5 screenshot Match Marbles 5 screenshot Match Marbles 5 screenshot

PC system requirements:

  • Windows 7/8/10/11
  • Processor 1.4 GHz
  • 2 GB RAM
  • DirectX 9.0
  • 210 MB free storage space

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