Game Remakes
Download Around the World in 80 Days game

Around the World in 80 Days

Spectacular adventures on land, sea and air!

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3 stars award


You only have 80 days to circumnavigate the globe. Think that sounds easy? Travel back in time to the late 19th century and get ready for spectacular adventures on land, sea and air together with the English daredevil Phileas Fogg and his loyal French servant Passepourtout. Use the unique chance to visit four continents and complete the inconceivable journey in this outstanding puzzler based on the classic adventure novel by Jules Verne!



Around the World in 80 Days screenshot Around the World in 80 Days screenshot Around the World in 80 Days screenshot

PC system requirements:

  • Windows 98/2000/XP/Vista
  • DirectX 8.0
  • 128 MB RAM
  • Processor 500 MHz

Mac system requirements:

  • macOS 10.4
  • 512 MB RAM
  • Processor 1.2 GHz or better

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