Game Remakes
Download Master of Defense game

Master of Defense

Defend your village from invading monsters in this strategic thriller!

Download for PC (16.21 MB) Buy full PC version ($9.99)
5 stars award


In this real-time strategy game, you are tasked with building towers to defend your citizens. As you progress, you'll be able to upgrade or build new towers with the gold you've earned and add on special abilities through skill points you've accumulated. Choose your defense carefully to keep your citizens protected! If even one monster gets past your guard, it could spell certain doom for your entire city.


Master of Defense screenshot Master of Defense screenshot Master of Defense screenshot

PC system requirements:

  • Windows 98/ME/2000/XP
  • DirectX 7.0
  • 128 MB RAM
  • Processor 500 MHz

Comments and ratings:

dude5 stars rating
«lol, ive playd demo untill time ran out, im buying it. Thanks»

akhib5 stars rating
«its a very good game. i liked it so much that i played the game continously for 8 hours!!!!»

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