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Download Royal Defense game

Royal Defense

The castle needs a hero!

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4 stars award


The castle needs a hero – hordes of trolls are surrounding it! Build towers, save money, learn spells, and keep the enemy away! Follow the exciting story of the dwarven kingdom's eternal struggle against the troll hordes, who want only to crush the dwarves and claim their territory. To defeat these monstrous hordes, you must construct defensive towers and units and learn to wield powerful spells. Tap anywhere you like for a handy pop-up menu listing all the units and structures that can be built in each location. Tap existing structures to see how you can upgrade your forces with powerful improvements! All your towers and units have specific stats: Damage, Fire rate, Damage radius, Damage type, as well as various other features, such as Enemy Slowdown and Damage Over Time. Each level also brings new units and structures to help you fight the troll menace. You’ll never be lacking for new and exciting ways of decimating those nasty trolls!


Royal Defense screenshot Royal Defense screenshot Royal Defense screenshot

PC system requirements:

  • Windows XP/Vista/7/8
  • Processor 600 MHz
  • RAM 512 MB
  • DirectX 9.0
  • Hard Drive: 87 MB

Mac system requirements:

  • macOS 10.6/10.7/10.8
  • Processor 600 MHz (Intel only!)
  • RAM 512 MB
  • Hard Drive: 87 MB

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