Game Remakes
Download Towers of Oz game

Towers of Oz

Defend the towers of Oz to the last break!

Download for PC (73.26 MB) Buy full PC version ($9.99)
4 stars award


Help Timothy gain his footing in the wondrous 3D world of Oz and then guide him as he battles wooden soldiers, saber-toothed tigers and giant frogs in intense tactical battles. Unlock new attacks, use strategy to eliminate foes and defend your towers to the last brick! With simple point-and-click gameplay, eye-popping graphics and a storyline that will have you in stitches, Tower of Oz offers hours of fun for the whole family!


Towers of Oz screenshot Towers of Oz screenshot Towers of Oz screenshot

PC system requirements:

  • Windows XP/Vista/7/8
  • Processor 2.5 GHz
  • RAM 2 GB
  • DirectX 9.0
  • Hard Drive: 92 MB

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